Following are the projects available in QSTP 2023

Mentors: Ruchik Bakhai, Aryan Bhosale, and Sharad Arora

Description: This project focuses on developing a full-fledged eCommerce website using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack, which is widely used in modern web development.

Mentors: Aditya Kulkarni and Sayantan Bera

Description: The project aims to develop a robust and user-friendly e-commerce mobile application using the Flutter framework, enabling it to run seamlessly on both iOS and Android platforms. By leveraging the power of Flutter's single codebase and native-like performance, we intend to create a versatile shopping app that offers an immersive experience to customers.

Mentors: Aman Rahman, S V Sumanth, and Aditya Agarwal

Description: In this course, we will go over basics of game development using the unity game engine. We will be coding in c#. By the end of the course, students will be able to make simple 2d and 3d games.

Mentors: Sourabh Patil,Vineet Ghosh

Description: This QSTP is aimed at introducing Algorithmic Trading by developing and coding various trading strategies. The strategies will be coded in python using market data. This project is mainly aimed at students interested in Quantitative Finance.

Mentors: Sayan Nandi, Tanish Broker, and Riya Treasa

Description: The Course is designed to provide participants with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills required to conduct in-depth analysis and evaluation of investment opportunities in the stock market. This course aims to develop a solid understanding of equity research fundamentals and methodologies. Upon completion of the course, participants will be equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct thorough analysis of financial statements and assess the financial health of companies, identify industry trends and evaluate sector-specific risks and opportunities and apply various valuation techniques to determine the intrinsic value of stocks.

Mentors: Pratham Chandra Jha, Shwetabh Vats, and Sabyasachi Ghosh

Description: It will be a lecture series on the basics of consultancy, with weekly evaluative to track their progress

Mentors: Pratham Chandra Jha, Harsha Battu, and Bhavya Somani

Description: It will dive deeper into the art of product management consisting of continuous evaluating to help participants upskill themselves

Mentors:Rhythm Bansal, Anoushka Chakrabarty, Hridya Arora

Description: CryptoShield is an immersive project that delves into cryptography's intricate world and its pivotal role in cybersecurity. Participants will understand cryptography's fundamental principles, algorithms, and applications through hands-on activities, workshops, and simulations. They will explore how cryptography ensures secure communication, data protection, and integrity verification in the digital realm. Throughout the project, participants will gain practical experience in cryptographic techniques like encryption, hashing, signatures, and key management. They'll dive into modern protocols, analyze real-world encryption schemes, and learn vulnerability identification and threat mitigation.

Mentors:Kalash Poddar, Gaurav Basu, Om Patel

Description: WebShield is an immersive and hands-on project designed to explore and combat web exploitation techniques in the realm of cybersecurity. As cyber threats continue to evolve, web applications remain a prime target for malicious actors. In this project, participants will dive deep into the world of web vulnerabilities, learning how to identify, exploit, and secure against common web-based attacks. Throughout the 1.5 summer term, participants will engage in a series of interactive workshops, practical exercises, and real-world simulations. They will gain insights into various web exploitation techniques, such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), SQL injection, and more. By understanding how attackers exploit web applications, participants will be better equipped to strengthen the defenses of digital systems

Mentors:Parth Shitole , Pratyush Suvarna

Description: Project Name: "CodeCraft: Unraveling Software Secrets" Project Description: "CodeCraft: Unraveling Software Secrets" is a beginner-level reverse engineering project that aims to introduce students to the intriguing world of decrypting and analyzing software. In this project, participants will explore various reverse engineering techniques and employ a range of tools to gain a deeper understanding of how software operates. Project Overview: During the project, students will be tasked with reverse engineering a simple executable file to uncover its hidden functionality. The primary objectives of the project include: 1. Introduction to Reverse Engineering: Participants will learn the fundamental concepts of reverse engineering, including disassembly, debugging, and binary analysis. They will utilize popular tools such as Ghidra, IDA Pro, Radare2, and a variety of debuggers. 2. Static and Dynamic Analysis: Using the aforementioned tools, students will employ both static and dynamic analysis techniques to inspect the executable file and gain insights into its structure and behavior. 3. Disassembly and Assembly: Participants will utilize disassemblers, including Ghidra, IDA Pro, and Radare2, to convert the machine code into assembly language and examine the low-level instructions. 4. Debugging and Patching: Students will use a range of debuggers such as GDB (GNU Debugger), x64dbg, and OllyDbg to analyze the program's execution flow, identify vulnerabilities, and apply patches to modify its behavior. They will have access to various debugger options. 5. Documentation and Analysis: Throughout the project, participants will document their findings, methodologies, and any challenges faced during the reverse engineering process. They will provide a comprehensive analysis of the software's inner workings using the tools mentioned above. Project Benefits: 1. Hands-on Experience: Gain practical reverse engineering skills through real-world projects. 2. Critical Thinking: Enhance problem-solving and analytical abilities. 3. Collaboration: Foster teamwork and knowledge exchange among participants. 4. Cybersecurity Exploration: Discover the basics of cybersecurity through reverse engineering. 5. Skill Development: Acquire essential disassembly, debugging, and analysis skills. By the end of the project, participants will have gained practical experience in reverse engineering using a variety of industry-standard tools, fostering a deeper understanding of software analysis techniques.

Mentors:Prayag Mohanty, Arjun Jeewan

Description: This workshop, aims to guide you through the art of quizzing. a well-crafted question can spark curiosity and stimulate critical thinking. We will explore various techniques for collecting and organizing facts, helping you become a treasure trove of knowledge. From history to science, pop culture to literature, you will learn how to curate a diverse range of topics that challenge and entertain your audience. We will cover different formats, such as multiple-choice, audio-visual rounds, rapid-fire rounds, and more. With each round, you will gain insights into how to create a balanced and engaging quiz that keeps participants engaged from start to finish. Finally, we will guide you on the path to becoming a skilled quizmaster. You will learn the art of hosting a quiz event, from setting the tone and maintaining the flow to engaging with participants

Mentors:Shantanu Deshmukh, Arjun Puthli, Aasim Sayyed

Description: Automation, Control and design of robots is a fast growing field with exciting innovations coming out with a rapid pace. In this course we hope to familiarize theparticipants with the basic tools and techniques that are at the core of such developments.

Mentors:Divya Patel, Saransh Paliwal, Debangshu Chowdhury

Description: This course provides an in-depth exploration of aerodynamics in the context of motorsport. Students will learn the principles of fluid dynamics, analyze aerodynamic forces, study key components, and examine the impact of aerodynamics on vehicle dynamics and performance through CFD (Computational fluid dynamics) simulation

Mentors:Advay Burte , Gitanjali Rajulal, Harshavardhan Hajeri

Description: The project will teach the basic principles of Quantum Computing and physics required to understand it. Building on this, we will use Qiskit and IBM-Q to simulate quantum circuits and run simple quantum algorithms, along with this we will also look into various features of Qiskit.

Mentors:Shaun Mathew

Description: Join our immersive Competitive Programming Camp, spanning 9 knowledge-packed sessions, each accompanied by a problem set for practice. Elevate your skills with 3 exhilarating contests featuring original problems. Embark on a journey starting from the fundamentals of C++, mastering crucial concepts like I/O and arithmetic as we gradually nurture your problem-solving intuition. Uncover the power of diverse data structures offered by C++, and unleash your potential with a repertoire of algorithmic techniques, such as frequency arrays, prefix arrays, greedy algorithms, complete search, binary search, two pointers, modulo arithmetic, and the sieve. Immerse yourself in our dynamic sessions, equipping yourself with the necessary tools to conquer the realm of competitive programming. Through captivating contests and meticulously crafted problem sets, gain invaluable hands-on experience and refine your implementation skills with these multifaceted techniques. Prepare to excel and leave your mark in the world of competitive programming.

Mentors:Shaun Mathew

Description: This camp serves as an excellent stepping stone for participants, introducing them to the world of Open Source and guiding them towards making contributions. Throughout the sessions, we will cover a diverse range of topics, including Object-Oriented Programming, Git, GitHub, STL, Pointers, Streams, and File Handling. Participants will also become familiarised with and prepared to participate in various Open Source events like HacktoberFest and Google Summer of Code. By the end of the camp, participants will have gained a solid understanding of various concepts such as Pointers, Structs, Classes, Overloading, Constructor/Destructor, Operators, Functors, Inheritance, Virtual Functions, Templates, the workings of STL, as well as Streams and File Handling. Additionally, participants will be introduced to numerous modern C++ conventions, features, and useful tricks along their journey.

Mentors:Shailesh, Sumedh Chatterjee

Description: A collection of beginner-friendly sessions to uncover the limitless possibilities of AI. Learn the foundations of machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and gain hands-on experience by solving data analytics challenges!

Mentors:Murali P Nair, Aashish Kanted, Vedant Randive

Description: Project Kratos is the student run rover-building team of BITS Goa, involved in multi-disciplinary engineering. This QSTP will be conducted and mentored by the core team of the electronics subsystem of Project Kratos. The QSTP will cover sensors, actuators, Python programming, Robot Operating System (ROS), and printed circuit board (PCB) design. The course emphasizes practical application, enabling students to contribute effectively to the team. By the end of the QSTP, students will have a solid understanding of the rover's electronics and will be eligible for the induction process.

Mentors:Amal , Vishnu Vardhan Reddy

Description: The QSTP involves teaching the participants basics of modelling in solidworks and basic design principles.

Mentors:Saket Nerurkar, Hardaat Singh, Yash Bhisikar

Description: The project is taken by the autonomous subsystem of Kratos. The project will be oriented towards learning the basics of ROS, and learning and implementing mapping and planning algorithms in ROS.

Mentors:Naman Agarwal , Vishesh Goyal, Nirmal Govindaraj

Description: Competitive programming is a mental sport that involves writing computer programs to solve mathematical or logical problems. It is a great way to improve your problem-solving skills, learn new algorithms and data structures, and get better at programming in general. Along with this it is a lot of fun.

Mentors:Hansiddh Thakur, Rohit Akash, Megh Bafna

Description: The objective of this course is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of key environmental concepts and issues. Through the exploration of three essential modules - energy conservation, carbon sequestration, and waste management - students will develop a strong foundation in environmental science. The course aims to equip students with the knowledge necessary to understand the relationships between human activities and the environment, and to propose sustainable solutions to pressing environmental challenges. By examining topics such as energy efficiency, greenhouse gas reduction, and waste reduction strategies, students will gain insights into the urgent need for environmental conservation and understand how their actions can contribute to a more sustainable future. The final part of the course involves application of the knowledge gained throughout the three weeks to build upon a project that addresses a serious environmental challenge thereby empowering students to make informed decisions and actively participate in the global efforts to protect our environment.

Mentors:Ishan Gokhale, Aasim Sayyed, Shantanu Deshmukh

Description: This course aims to introduce the basic concepts of core Mechanical Design and Electronic Circuits, and their application in designing hardware for machines like robots

Mentors:Pratham Potnis, Samrudh

Description: This project by Team Gigawatt (SAE) will be divided into two mini projects. The first part will deal with thermal management. The second project will focus on cell balancing. This will include understanding the concept of a Battery Management System (BMS) and its implementation.

Mentors:Shireen Shaikh, Sreekar Yadlapalli, Sachin Gaur

Description: Project Kratos is the student run rover-building team of BITS Goa, involved in multi-disciplinary engineering. This QSTP will conducted and mentored by the core team of the life-detection subsystem of Project Kratos. The program will cover chemical tests, astrobiology, geology and machine learning. The course emphasizes practical application, enabling students to contribute effectively to the team. By the end of the QSTP, students will have a solid understanding of the subsystem’s workings and will be eligible for the induction process.

Mentors:Manduva Nihanth , Anshul Goel

Description: This project is divided into two parts one is Cinematography and the other is Editing , first part will deal with all aspects of cinematography starting from conceptualization to execution and also analysis of films , 2nd part deals with teaching you the tools in editing using softwares like Premiere Pro and Da Vinci Resolve , and this part also deals with teaching concepts of editing for the films .

Mentors:iGEM BITS Goa, Rishikesh Panda, Aditi Shimpi

Description: Track 1: Build and deploy an AI assisted Drug Discovery Pipeline and learn about Exploratory Data Analysis and Machine Learning models. Track 2: An introduction to structure based drug discovery which includes protein structure modelling and protein - ligand docking.

Mentors:Mohit Tiwari, Suchith Naga Sri Dontaraju, Daksh Seth

Description: Learn photo and video editing from the coordinators of the Department of Photography, BITS Goa. This hands-on course focuses on Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro, providing curated video tutorials and practical assignments. Gain essential skills to edit and enhance photos, manipulate colors, and create stunning compositions using Photoshop. Develop proficiency in video editing, visual effects, and professional-grade productions with Premiere Pro. The course encourages independent learning, empowering participants to upskill and adapt. Join us to unlock your creative potential in the captivating world of photo and video editing.

Mentors:Rishav Mukherji

Description: The course intends to help students with no experience in machine learning take their first steps in the field. We will start off with the basic Machine learning theory and look into essential tools needed for ML; libraries like numpy and pandas. Then we will proceed to teach the students about various machine learning algorithms, the maths behind it.

Mentors:Pratyaksh Pradeev, Priyank Pipaliya

Description: The project contains aspects necessary for being effective in a corporate setting; being able to lead within a team, enhancing organizational efficiency (basically getting more output from less company resources), negotiation, and strategy among other skills

Mentors:Yash Somani

Description: In this project, participants will delve into the fundamental concepts of Blockchain technology, focusing specifically on the utilization of Solidity as a programming language. Through hands-on exercises and practical examples, participants will gain proficiency in writing Smart Contracts using Solidity. They will also explore essential development environments such as Remix and Hardhat, which provide powerful tools and frameworks for building decentralized applications. Additionally, participants will harness the capabilities of Alchemy as a reliable and efficient RPC (Remote Procedure Call) provider, enabling seamless communication with the Ethereum network. By mastering these essential tools and technologies, participants will be equipped to navigate the exciting world of Blockchain development with confidence and expertise.